
Being a pathological people pleaser

Being a pathological people pleaser

We are behaving like pathological people pleasers because a part of us believes others will love and care for us if we do, and abandon or annihilate us if we don’t.

As a recovering people pleaser, I can tell you this part of us is wrong.

People will use us if they can, respect us if they can’t, and love whoever they damn want to.

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Why am I lost in my thoughts ?

Being lost in one’s thoughts from time to time is normal. Spending lots of time in one’s head, thinking or dreaming about stuff, sometimes to the point of preferring alone time to living, is not. We can call it being very distracted, suffering from maladaptive daydreaming, being lost in our thoughts, and even sometimes being an introvert. What it really is, is life avoidance. It is a form of dissociation.

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Fight, Flight, Freeze

Fight, Flight, Freeze

In summary, our response to threat was often to freeze. It was not a conscious choice, rather an instinctual one. But this unconscious choice made perfect sense at the time: no need to go deep into theoretical psychology here, common sense is enough.

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